How to lose 5 kg per week?

healthy and unhealthy food during weight loss

The current pace of life forces people to do everything quickly. Work fast, eat fast, live fast and lose weight fast. Everyone is trying to find the best solutions in order to do something quickly.

One of the painful issues for girls and women is the issue of rapid weight loss. Now there are also fast diets that allow you to lose weight by 5, 7 and even 10 kg in a week! But how effective is it and will it not harm your health?

Know that if you have never used physical exercise and diet, then you will not be able to lose weight fast without stress on the body. You can minimize the consequences if you approach the issue wisely.

Basic principles of weight loss

basic principles of weight loss

To lose weight, it is important to know the basic principles you need to adhere to. They will not only help you lose weight but will also allow you to maintain the result obtained for a long time.

The basic principles are as follows:

  • Breakfast can not be ignored. This is explained by the fact that at night the metabolism slows down and in the morning the body needs energy to normalize its work. For breakfast, it is recommended to use porridge, salads and cereals or rye bread - complex carbohydrates;
  • Meals should be frequent, but small portions, recommended up to six times a day. This allows you to distribute energy evenly and gradually burn fat;
  • Protein foods should dominate your diet. Promotes more calorie burning due to the energy expended by the body to break it down. Protein should make up at least 30% of all food consumed per day;
  • Foods that contain calcium, especially fermented milk, help with weight loss. The body breaks down fat with maximum efficiency when the daily intake of calcium is between 1200 and 1600 ml;
  • Seafood contributes to the intensive production of leptin, a hormone that is responsible for regulating energy metabolism, which prevents you from getting better. Seafood supplies the body with vital elements needed in various diets;
  • You can support the body by using vitamin complexes. It is important for the body to get enough potassium, iron, magnesium and a full range of vitamins;
  • Hot spices also help increase metabolism;
  • Alcohol and smoking suppress the nervous system and inhibit metabolism, respectively, their use is prohibited;
  • Keeping hydrated is one of the basics of any diet so that the body does not experience stress. Also, water improves and speeds up metabolism, which allows you to burn calories efficiently;
  • It is better not to choose low-calorie diets, as the constant feeling of hunger after leaving them can provoke a rapid set of extra pounds. The rate for a diet is a loss of 1 kg of weight per week;
  • Sport is a prerequisite for weight loss. Choose whatever exercise you like. The main thing is to be physically active, then the calories will be burned three times faster;
  • Eat unlimited amounts of vegetables and fruits.

If you decide to lose weight urgently, be sure to visit an endocrinologist. Sometimes the problem of excess weight is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In this case, no diet will help, only treatment.

Ways to lose 6 kg per week

vegetables and fruits for weight loss

Before some holidays, events or holidays, you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, for example, 5-6 kg per week. But, it is worth considering that the best option per week would be losing weight up to 1 kg. That is, it will not work naturally to lose weight up to 6 kg quickly in a week.

Rapid weight loss involves stress on the body, therefore, this method is an extreme measure. This result can be achieved with a low calorie weight loss method or a mono diet.

One of the most popular diets, which allows you to lose 6 kg per week, is "6 petals". It is designed for 6 days, 7 days is a way out of it. The end result is the use of a product during the day. It looks like this:

  • The first day eat fish;
  • The second day they eat vegetables and juices;
  • Day 3 they eat chicken;
  • Day 4 they eat cereals, bran, bread, etc. ;
  • Day 5 - fermented milk products and cottage cheese;
  • Day 6 - only fruit.

The 7th day of leaving the diet includes moderate eating with small portions of the same foods that are included in the diet.

Proper nutrition

proper nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition includes supplying the body with all the required active substances: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, micro and macro elements. If you eat food in the right dose in relation to physical activity, then not only can you lose extra pounds, but also be in shape for a long time.

There are some principles of good nutrition that you should adhere to. This includes:

  • Use of salt in limited quantities;
  • You can not eat semi-finished products, fast food, cakes and sugar, sausages and all kinds of food with food additives;
  • Dishes should be prepared in any way other than frying;
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water in small sips;
  • It is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables every day in unlimited quantities;
  • Fast carbs can be consumed in small amounts for breakfast, at other meals they are replaced with slow carbs;
  • Eat more protein foods;
  • To maintain water balance, drink at least 1. 5-2 liters per day, be sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals before each meal;
  • Consumption of carbohydrates should be done in the first half of the day, protein - in the second;
  • ⅕ from the daily diet should be unsaturated fats;
  • Meals should be frequent, at a certain time, in small portions, 5-6 times a day with a break of 4 hours;
  • Last meal two hours before bedtime.

Drinking regime

drinking regimen for weight loss

Drinking regime is understood as the order and amount of fluid consumed per day, taking into account a person's body weight, daily routine, activity and climatic conditions. If you use the fluid correctly, this will ensure the proper functioning of the water-salt metabolism in the body, which is necessary for normal life. It will also help you avoid many health problems and lose weight fast.

The individual rate of water consumption is calculated using the following formula:for women: weight (kg) multiplied by 30 ml of water. For men, weight (kg) is multiplied by 40 ml of water.

We add to the amount received for both women and men:

  • With physical exertion - 500-600 ml;
  • With decreasing temperature - 500-600 ml;
  • Increased body temperature, diarrhea or vomiting - 400-800 ml;
  • After drinking coffee, tea, sweet soda, add 1: 1 volume of water from the drink you drink.

Women need more water during the perinatal period and lactation. The rate increases from 600 ml to 1 liter.

Physical exercises

physical activity during weight loss

Physical activity is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Its deficiency leads to serious metabolic changes, including fat accumulation and skin blemishes.

Physical activity includes not only an active lifestyle, ie frequent walking or going to work, but also visiting gyms or a set of independently selected exercises and workouts, including gymnastics.

The intensity and type of training depends on what kind of result a person wants to get.

In general, physical activity helps to increase muscle tone, has an overall healing effect, and also contributes to the formation of a beautiful muscle relief and a toned figure, which, perhaps, everyone dreams of.

For weight loss, several types of exercises are used:

  • aerobic. . . This type of training includes running, swimming, dancing, walking, etc. In order to lose weight effectively, it is recommended to do gymnastics at least 3 times a week and, if possible, increase up to 6 times, with a fasting day of 3 to 3. Duration from half an hour to an hour;
  • Power.Such training includes exercises using various sports equipment such as dumbbells, dumbbells, resistance belts, etc. ;
  • CircularWay is the most effective way for those who want to lose weight. In this case, strength training alternates with aerobic training. These exercises should be done no more than 3 times a week, as they are very intense. Each set takes 40-60 seconds, and a full workout is 40 minutes. The main principle of such training is cyclical, that is, several selected exercises are performed in a circle. Within a few weeks, you can feel the result;
  • CrossfitIt is a training system represented by a set of exercises selected from different sports fields. The system aims at comprehensive physical development and weight loss. For this, a variety of training methods are used. Exercises can be different each time, such as elements from gymnastics, weight lifting, strength building and circuit training.

Cosmetic procedures

cosmetic procedures for weight loss

Cosmetic procedures are quite popular in the weight loss process. Together with proper nutrition and physical activity, they deliver excellent results. These procedures include:

  • Sauna, bath and win barrels. At high temperatures, the work of the blood supply system is improved, which speeds up the metabolism and removes excess salt through the sweat glands. This helps reduce body fat. The body does not retain water, but transforms, removing excess;
  • Hot and cold covers and masks. Before these procedures, the body is cleansed with a cleanser and covered with a special ingredient that affects fat deposits;
  • Manual body shaping with massage. Massage, using certain techniques, treats problem areas, improves blood flow and breaks down fat accumulations.

Mono-weight loss diets for 5 kg per week

How to lose 5 pounds a week

A mono diet is a difficult way to lose weight, which involves using a product for a certain period of time. Mono diets are a quick and effective method of losing weight fast as well as cheap and effortless. With this method, it is possible to lose weight dramatically in 3, 5 and 7 days. The result can be a decrease in body weight by 5-10 kg.

A major disadvantage of such diets is the stress on the body, which can react to the diet with illness or serious illness. This is due to the fact that the body is constantly seeking additional sources of energy, burning all available reserves. Therefore, mono diets are limited to a maximum of 10 days.

The negative result may be violations such as:

  • Nervousness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Apathy and loss of strength;
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • With the exit from the diet, a rapid return of lost pounds.

In order not to worsen the state of health and to achieve the effectiveness of the diet, it is necessary:

  • Choose your favorite product for the mono diet;
  • Evaluate the disadvantages of this weight loss method and compare it to your skills;
  • Do not choose extended options;
  • Follow the specified amount of food in the diet without cutting it;
  • Use the product according to the regime and do not forget about the water balance;
  • Combine with moderate physical activity;
  • If you have any disease, stop dieting.

The most popular mono-diets that allow you to lose weight by 5 kg per week are: buckwheat, kefir and kefir-lemon, eggs, cottage cheese and Estonian.

If a 5- and 7-day diet is chosen, it is recommended to carefully monitor the state of health. Long-term restrictions on food of this type can cause irreversible consequences to the body. Therefore, it is recommended to add other foods as well, at least in minimal amounts. This is called a light diet.


buckwheat diet for weight loss

The mono-buckwheat diet has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and minimal negative effects. The fact is that buckwheat is low in calories, and contains a large amount of nutrients. As a result, the body practically does not suffer.

Easy easy to follow a buckwheat diet. If we consider a lighter version of the buckwheat diet, then you can include dried fruits, cheese, vegetables and fruits, kefir and avocados in the diet. They are used separately with buckwheat.

Buckwheat is prepared by the following method: overnight, pour a glass of buckwheat with two cups of boiling water and let it swell. In the morning, drain off excess water and consume on an empty stomach.

Buckwheat is not boiled. Salt, oil and spices are not added to it. You can add low-fat kefir. The last part of the porridge should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

To get out of the buckwheat diet, you should gradually introduce a variety of foods into the diet in small portions. You can start with fruits, vegetables or stews.


Kefir diet for weight loss

A kefir diet can result in a drop in body weight of up to 10 kg per week. Low fat kefir is used - from 0. 5 to 4%. The conclusion is that there are no carbohydrates in kefir, respectively, the body has nowhere to get energy and it must deplete all the reserves and spend them on breaking down the proteins contained in kefir.

The big disadvantage is that when you consume kefir, there is a constant feeling of hunger and nutritional deficiency. A kefir diet can seriously impair the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The solution may be the use of vitamin complexes.

A strict kefir diet ensures 3-5 days of using only this product. One and a half liters is divided into 5-6 receptions. In a lighter version, you can eat fruits and vegetables in addition to bananas and grapes.


Egg diet for weight loss

Egg protein diet is easily tolerated by many people, as it is an easy option. Egg itself is high in calories. It has 44 kcal per 100 grams, along with yolk - 160. The bottom line is that in the absence of carbohydrates, the body processes fat reserves to extract energy and spends them on protein processing.

But when energy is generated only by protein, other breakdown products enter the body, which damage, first and foremost, the liver. Therefore, the egg diet includes the consumption of fruits, vegetables and boiled meat or fish.

For 2 weeks, gives the result of losing excess weight by 5-6 kg. The diet includes three meals a day with an interval of 4 hours. At each meal, 1-2 eggs.


Cucumber diet for weight loss

The cucumber diet is also not completely one-diet, but gives good results. If you adhere to the use of only cucumbers, this will lead the body to serious stress already on the second or third day and will cause a lot of trouble, as the use of solid fiber implies a critical lack of other nutrients.

It is recommended to dilute the cucumber diet with the use of: eggs, cheese, radish, carrot, tomato, rice, rye bread, herbs and fruits (except bananas). A three-day diet might look like this:

  • Breakfast: cucumber salad with tomatoes and herbs. Salad dressing with olive oil and lemon juice. A slice of rye bread and green tea;
  • Lunch: lean vegetable soup and cucumber salad. 100 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with cottage cheese and herbs.


Juicy diet for weight loss

Just a glass of natural juice speeds up metabolism by ⅓, and, thanks to this, the body begins to release energy intensively, burning fat. If you drink the juice regularly, you may notice a significant drop in body weight. If you turn to diets with pulpy juices (fresh), the body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids and other important elements. In addition to all the other advantages, in the process of losing weight, the body is cleansed of metals and radionuclides.

There are a large number of fluid diets and you can choose the most suitable one individually. It is important to note that you should not choose a mono diet, in which you should consume only the juice of a fruit or vegetable, or alternately (different juices every day) without any additional food, otherwise you can cause serious harm topancreas Me

You can choose from options such as a "mixed drink" diet, which consists of fresh juices, smoothies, juices, or a "classic mixed" diet, which includes the addition of solid foods.

Cottage cheese

cottage cheese diet for weight loss

The mono-cheese diet is considered one of the most beneficial. Even a strict diet on cottage cheese is quite easily tolerated by many people. It is satisfying, a person does not experience the exhausting feeling of hunger.

To prepare the body, it is recommended to gradually exclude meat and bakery products, as well as sweets, a few days before the start of the diet, replacing them with a large number of vegetables and fruits. For 5-7 days, adhering to such a diet, you can lose weight up to 5 kg of excess weight.

The diet includes 4-5 meals. In these methods it is necessary to divide 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 500 ml of low-fat kefir. In the process, you can eat fruit and natural yogurt.

Estonian Diet

Estonian diet for weight loss

The famous low calorie diet is the Estonian Diet. This allows you to get rid of fat deposits while the body does not suffer from a lack of nutrients. This is a diet consisting of mono diet. It is designed for a week and gives a result of minus 5 kg.

The essence of this method is that the first days you should eat food that contains protein, and the following days, only that which contains carbohydrates. Only one thing is consumed every day. Food should not be seasoned with salt, spices, butter or sugar. Food is 4-5 approaches per day.

A rough menu might look like this:

  • First day - 6 eggs;
  • The second day - 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Third day - 800 gr of chicken or boiled turkey;
  • Day 4 - 200 g brown rice (dry weight for cooking);
  • Day 5 - 6 boiled potatoes;
  • Day 6 - 6 apples;
  • Day 7 - 1. 5 liters of kefir 1%.

Lemonade-kefir diet

lemon and kefir for weight loss

The mono-diet with lemonade-kefir is very effective, but it is not easy to follow. First, this is due to the taste of these products, as the drink turns out to be very sour. Second, it is designed for 3 days for 3 receptions of this composition. The constant feeling of hunger, as well as the laxative effect, is very exhausting. Third, it does not suit everyone. Any problem related to the gastrointestinal tract precludes this method of weight loss, as it strongly affects the stomach, especially with high acidity.

The menu assumes the use of a mixture: 1. 5 liters of 1% kefir and juice of 2 lemons. This drink is divided into three rations. Apart from these products, nothing else can be consumed. This is a strict diet and excess body fat is removed very quickly, but the disadvantage is that after such a diet there is a risk of rapid weight gain and even doubling it.

Rules of nutrition after weight loss

how to eat after weight loss

In order not to gain the lost pounds after a diet, you need to eat properly. After leaving the diets, you should diversify your table, but introduce foods gradually so that the body has time to return the energy received in the end, otherwise a set of "pro-reserves" is inevitable. The rules to follow are absolutely simple.

The following is recommended:

  • The diet should remain the same - 4-5 meals a day in small portions;
  • Do not forget about water balance. Drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal. In addition to water, use freshly squeezed juices and green tea;
  • Better it is better to refuse fried food with preservatives;
  • Foods of all groups should be included in the diet;
  • Use minimal amounts of salt and sugar;
  • Eat as many greens, fruits and vegetables as possible. In addition, you can use vitamin complexes;
  • Make sure you are physically active. If there is no time or opportunity to visit the gyms, then do not neglect the morning exercises and evening walks.

There is a simple rule that works for everyone without exception: in order for the food to be balanced, you have to divide the plate into 2 parts, and one of them in half. The big half should always contain fruits and vegetables, ¼ for protein foods and. For carbohydrates.

Contraindications to drastic weight loss

Contraindications to drastic weight loss

Basically, all diets are reduced to limiting the use of any food. Of course, mono diets are extremely stressful for the body when you have to limit yourself to one or several foods. The wrong way to lose weight can cause serious damage to the body, especially if there is any chronic disease. Diets can also provoke irreversible changes in the body. This leads to a sharp restriction of nutrients.

It is recommended that you undergo a thorough medical examination before any diet. It is important to see an endocrinologist and nutritionist. Based on the anamnesis, the doctor may make nutritional recommendations or choose an individually tolerated diet.

There are absolute contraindications to any diet due to health conditions and chronic diseases. The following categories of people belong to such a group:

  • Children and adolescents. They can not exclude from the diet any group of foods for normal development. A young body does not tolerate various stresses well and this can lead to very serious consequences;
  • Women in the prenatal period and lactation period. During pregnancy, for the normal maintenance of the fetus, it is necessary to eat well and not stress the body. Any dietary restriction can adversely affect the health of the fetus or lead to miscarriage. During the nursing period, a healthy and balanced diet produces breast milk;
  • People with any type of chronic illness. Lack of any active substance can lead to exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • Strictly it is strictly forbidden for people with diabetes;
  • Preoperative and postoperative period.

No nutritionist will recommend a diet for their patients. Only balanced, low-calorie diets and sports. Express diets can harm even the healthiest people. Slight negative consequences include the following:

  • Insomnia;
  • Migraine;
  • Fatigue and irritability;
  • Depression.

Serious body disorders include:

  • Violation of the metabolic process;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Bulimia
  • Anorexia;
  • Serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

In addition to the negative consequences listed, an improperly chosen diet, long-term or harsh, can seriously affect appearance. Excess fat deposits will be removed, but the skin will fade, become weak, there may be problems with hair loss and deterioration of nails and teeth.

The main conclusion from the opinions of experts in the field of proper nutrition and dietetics is that food should be chosen individually, move more and drink water, and also be sure to visit doctors.