The most effective exercise for weight loss in the abdomen

Thin abdomen after exercises

Everyone has probably heard of body fat that occurs in every person, regardless of gender and age, but it is important to understand that this is a serious threat to the body, which should not be neglected. The seriousness of the phenomenon is evidenced by the fact that in medicine has emerged a special direction that owns this problem - morphomedicine. Scientists around the world are exploring the causes of obesity and developing effective exercise complexes to combat it. In this article, we will look at the causes of body fat as well as the simple daily exercises required for a healthy and beautiful body.

Reasons for the appearance of fat

Since the topic has been sufficiently studied and even has its medical terminology, we will examine the key factors in the appearance of fat in the waist area:

  1. Overload- the first and most basic reason your body stops adapting. First, if you constantly overeat, a person is threatened with stomach upset and he has to consume more food again: this turns into a vicious circle. Second, with systemic oversupply in women, the level of the hormone cortisone increases, which slows down the processing of fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Women can be released by the hormone adrenaline- with its sharp increase, a large amount of insulin enters the body, which, in turn, ensures the metabolism of carbohydrates and participates in the formation of fats. Insulin synthesizes glycogen, in fact, it contributes to the formation of glucose reserves in the liver. However, its increased production does not allow the internal fat stores to break down.
  3. Organic fats
  4. Excess trans fats, contained in margarine, buns and all kinds of fast food, deposited in the stomach in fat folds. This is the most dangerous type of fat - even the thinnest natural figure will be spoiled if you consume these unhealthy foods in large quantities.
  5. Men should not abuse beer., after all, it has long been no secret that it is what disrupts the work of the hormone testosterone. This characteristic male hormone effectively fights the accumulation of excess fat (if left unchecked).

You knowLong has long been proven that rapid weight gain after quitting nicotine is a myth. Smoking speeds up your metabolism, but not to the point where being overweight happens after you quit.

Why visceral fat is dangerous

Organic fat is more than the accumulation of fat deposits on the sides and abdomen. This is the fat that coats the internal organs, disrupting their function. Blood and lymph cease to circulate in sufficient volumes, the flow of oxygen slows down, which has serious consequences for the body:

  1. A person begins to malfunction in the respiratory system (shortness of breath appears), he experiences increased fatigue.
  2. There are problems with the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract and heart muscle.
  3. There is a risk of diabetes as well as cancer.
  4. Disorders in the hormonal system. In women, as a result, it is impossible to conceive and give birth to a child.

Contrary to popular belief that only genetics control our body, science proves otherwise. The body may be bigger or thinner, but its health depends on our lifestyle. Physical activity and proper nutrition, which are often talked about on TV and on the Internet, have not really lost their meaning to this day.

Exercise efficiency rules

Do not neglect exercise, but if you have already gained significant body fat, then an effective set of weight loss exercises specially selected by doctors will help you. To make these simple exercises more effective, you need to do them regularly as well as to the best of your ability - the muscles need to be as tense as possible.

In addition to physical activity, proper motivation is also necessary, namely a positive attitude. If you have a goal and are ready to move towards it despite your difficulties or the reactions of others, then do some exercise with a smile and a good mood.

Thin abdomen

At the same time, remember that the result will have to wait a bit. Losing weight within a week is possible, but it is unlikely to be your ideal right away.

You knowPeople who have lost weight sleep much better. On the other hand, healthy sleep promotes efficient fat burning.

Finally, the right food should become your companion for a long time, and better if it will be forever. Avoid raw foods like fast food, do not accumulate harmful trans fats in the body, eat more vegetables and fruits. If, due to habit, it will be difficult to supplement your diet 80% of the right food, then do it at least 50%: when the habit is formed, increase this value.

Slimming exercises for beginners

In which part of the body your efforts are directed, each workout is based on three principles: first, warm-up, then the workout itself, and finally, cooling - the last part. The whole set of exercises is performed according to the "top-down" scheme and ends with stretching. When you are just starting to get into the rhythm of exercise, it is important not to meet the standard, but to achieve body preparation.

Therefore, for the first few sessions, simply do as much exercise as you can until you feel a tingling sensation in the muscles. Then you should take a break from the breathing exercises and move on to the next exercise. Over time, the body will get used to it, and 20 reps will no longer be difficult for you.

In home

You do not have to spend money on fitness centers to lose weight. Today we will see what exercises need to be done to achieve maximum and fast effect.


This exercise is a combination of static and dynamic loads. Proper execution guarantees the pumping of the middle part of the press, as well as additional tension in the muscles of the hips, back and lower back.The simplest, or most basic, way to make a "bike" is as follows:

  • lie on your back, your hands are behind your head, press your lower back firmly to the floor, your legs are bent at the knees and stay on the floor;
  • now you need to pull the legs off the floor, working the abdominal muscles and lifting them up (without stretching the knees);
  • then the upper body comes off the floor, and your task is to reach the right knee with your left elbow, extend for a few seconds, then change sides.

It is recommended to do three sets of ten repetitions, with small breaks between sets - no more than 30 seconds. Your task is to work the muscles slowly and with high quality.

Among the possible mistakes during exercise, the most common and dangerous is pulling the neck to the knees, instead of doing it with the body.

Important!Do not tie your hands together, otherwise you will increase the load on the neck and cause pain in the cervical spine.

And remember that in this exercise we do not shake the legs, but the abs - you do not have to transfer the main load to them.


The exercise is done like this:

  • starting position - lying down, hands behind head. The thigh is close to the floor, the legs are bent at the knees and the legs are also tightly pressed to the floor;
  • as we exhale, hold our breath, then raise our head and shoulders, as if pulling them into the stomach;
  • we stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
Twisting exercise for slimming the abdomen

You should not try to improve the workout and get the body back into the process of doing it: this way you can accidentally move the intervertebral discs.

Diagonal crunches with a ball

Such an exercise immediately covers an entire muscle complex: the inner side of the thigh, the lower part of the press, and the oblique abdominal muscles.

Performed in a standing position:

  • you are holding a ball or other weighing material, the arms are raised above your right shoulder and your left foot is bent at the knee, forming a right angle with the floor;
  • exhaling, lowering the hands with the ball obliquely, to the left thigh, while inhaling, return to their original position;
  • keep your back straight, and also keep your balance, for which the named muscles will be used;
  • after a short break (30-40 seconds) repeat the exercise on the right leg.
Exercise Crunches diagonally with the ball


By doing the bridge, you force all the abdominal muscles to work, providing yourself with a nice abs and a pronounced waist. There are several options for this exercise, they are quite easy. Let us consider the main ones:

  1. Gradual:lying on the floor, straighten your arms along your body and bend your legs at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Then raise your hips as high as you can. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lower. The exercise should be repeated at least 30 times.
  2. Bridge Exercise
  3. Narrow:lie on the floor with your feet together. By stretching your gluteal muscles, raise your pelvis as much as possible. The main thing is to make sure your feet do not move away during the process.
  4. One foot:initial position as in a gradual bridge. Next, the right knee is pulled up to the chest and fixed in this position. Now you need to tighten the hips of both legs, forcing the buttocks and abdomen to work. Lock yourself in the highest possible position for 2-3 seconds and sit down gently. Recommended 20 sets for each leg.
  5. Exercise Bridge on one leg


The board refers to exercises for static loads. In fact, it is a hand holder, but at the same time it is necessary to keep the abdominal muscles and buttocks in tension. Your task is to keep in the right position for the maximum amount of time.

Important!First, make sure you get into position properly, and only then do the exercise for a while. Otherwise, there is a risk of back injury.

The correct plank is made with outstretched arms. But for starters, an option was invented to bend your elbows and tighten them into a lock in order to practice holding your body and finding your balance. In this case, it is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 15 seconds with a break of 30 seconds. Further, the time gradually increases.

Board Exercise


  • the elbows are below the shoulders, the legs are elongated and straight, the socks lie on the floor;
  • the body should form a straight line, so do not raise the pelvis too high, but also do not sit on the lower back;
  • the hips are, as it were, pulled from the inside, gathered, the shoulders are directed, the head looks down and straight, there is no need to twist it;
  • the press is tense, the buttocks too;
  • the weight is concentrated on the elbows and toes, the breathing is equal - look at this, because due to the concentration on technique, many do not notice how they are holding their breath.

There is also a sidebar, where you stand on one arm bent at the elbow, and the other extends exactly along the body. The legs are placed on top of each other or one foot slightly in front of the other. The principle is the same - the body should form a straight line, the pelvis is contracted, the press muscles and buttocks are tense. It is important to make sure that the buttocks do not relax and do not pull the body back, upsetting the balance.

Finally, the hardest plank is on the outstretched arms. It also has a straight and side, the execution technique is the same as in the previous exercises, only the body weight this time is focused on the palms and socks.


This exercise has gained popularity relatively recently, but due to its high efficiency, it already has fans all over the world. The point is to create a kind of vacuum in the abdomen:

  • stand up straight, get more air into the lungs and then exhale, pulling in the stomach as much as possible;
  • if at the same time you have the feeling that the navel is attached to the back, then you are on the right track. Then you just have to be patient for 10 seconds;
  • you should inhale air slowly after exercise, through the nose, gradually relaxing the abdominal muscles.

Between groups (3-4 times), you should take several deep breaths. Of course, the vacuum is done on an empty stomach.

This workout is good for your transverse abdominals making your waist more pronounced and your abdomen flatter. As the static load is supplemented with correct breathing, the effectiveness and benefits of exercise increase.

Curls of the feet

Also called "reverse twist":

  • the starting position is the same as that of the normal torsion;
  • now, when exhaling, it is necessary to remove not only the shoulder girdle from the floor, but also to raise the pelvis - that is, the legs and shoulders are inclined to each other;
  • freeze in this position for a few moments, then exhale and assume the starting position.
  • Exercise Twisting with lifting legs

There is an option of turning on foot:

  • starting position - stand up straight, legs together, arms straight and up;
  • then, as you exhale, raise one foot, at the same time trying to reach with your fingertips to the toes. At the same time, it is important to perform all actions slowly, not to hollow your back, to take care of straight arms and legs;
  • by lowering the leg, you can inhale quietly.

Recommended 10 sets for each leg.

Japanese technique (using a towel)

The modern method of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji helps not so much to cope with excess fat on the sides, but to turn the separated pelvic bones into the right position, as well as to lengthen the spine.

Japanese technique for reducing the waist in volume

The method is based on the use of a rolled towel:

  • the roller is placed below the spine at the level of the navel for a person placed on a solid flat surface;
  • at the same time, the arms are extended upwards, creating a straight line with the body, and the palms are turned down and placed with the little fingers against each other;
  • the feet are spread shoulder-width apart, the feet are placed so that they can be pressed against each other with the big toes;
  • then you just need to lie in this position for five minutes.

The Japanese technique already has many positive reviews regarding the cessation of back pain and waist reduction. The method itself is based on the observation that with age, the pelvic and hypochondrium bones in humans begin to "disperse", and the intervertebral discs are flattened by constant stress and a drop in the level of collagen in the body. By tightening the bone apparatus, you help your body take shape because everything is interconnected. In combination with other exercises, the Japanese technique gives real results in just one week.


Proper breathing is the key to a constant and vigorous flow of oxygen to your body. Because of this, the muscles we get tired of to create an ideal figure function better. Spending half an hour a day on exercise and 15 minutes on breathing exercises will have a complex positive effect on your body.

Breathing exercises to weaken the abdomen

The most popular today are body gymnastics and jianfei (which literally means "to lose fat" by the Chinese).

You knowYou can gain weight by eating low fat foods. Healthy milk vitamins are poorly absorbed without fat. In addition, low fat foods are high in sugar.

Bodyflex is an American adaptation of yoga related to the needs of those who are losing weight. The diaphragmatic respiratory system is suitable for any age and body condition, requires very little time (15 minutes a day) and not only improves waist size, but also actively fights wrinkles and fat deposits in the groin.


The main nuances are:

  • exhale correctly through the mouth, as if you were exhaling already unnecessary air from yourself;
  • a sharp and noisy suction through the nose with a mouth tightly closed. When the lungs are full to capacity, it is necessary to stay in this state for at least a few seconds;
  • a sharp exhalation of the remaining air through the mouth pushing it through the diaphragm and stomach. You need to push the air hard and fast;
  • holding your breath (difficult phase), when you need to stop breathing through your nose and mouth and start drawing on your stomach, bringing it to your back and under your ribs;
  • inhale through the nose. When your stomach is already "stuck" in your back and you can no longer stand without air, simply release your muscles and relax, allowing air to fill your lungs.

All body flexion exercises are performed in a complex, according to the order shown.There are many more exercises for different muscle groups, such as "cat", "swallow", known to us since childhood, but losing half of their effectiveness due to improper breathing.

Jianfei is advertised as a passive weight loss technique. Breathing exercises improve metabolism, oxygenate the body, stimulate overall tone and relieve fatigue. There are several exercises in the complex: "wave", "frog" and "lotus". For example, the first reduces the feeling of hunger, which, of course, contributes to weight loss:

  • lying on the floor, bend your legs so as to place your flat feet on the floor surface;
  • distribute the palms: one on the chest, the other on the stomach;
  • breathe slowly now;
  • during inhalation, the stomach pulls and during exhalation, you should try to inflate it.

If you feel dizzy, change your breathing rhythm or stop.

Cardio workout

Cardio is not about eliminating fat in the body, but converting glycogen stores into energy for a healthy body. These exercises work only in combination with proper nutrition, as weight loss is part of the body recovery after exercise, provided there is a lack of calories.

Cardio workout

The most effective are crossfit, various gymnastics, rope jumping, swimming.

You know15 minutes of rope jumping will replace a full hour of running.

In the gym

  1. Classes on the orbit track (ellipsoid).Correct position - legs slightly bent, arms at chest level, head looking straight. If you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is imperative to consult a doctor before starting classes.
  2. Exercise bike.Effective on the thighs and sides, tightens the buttocks. When leaning forward, you will work all the muscles, leaning back - just make your legs work.
  3. Moves to a static trainer.While standing, grasp the handle, leaning slightly forward with your body. Place the foot on which the emphasis is placed on the stand, and the free foot behind the roller. Inhale, take the free thigh back, lift for a few seconds and return to its normal position normally.
Classes in orbit path

Extra charge

  1. Jogging / brisk walking.Running is not recommended for people with very heavy weights, as this puts a lot of stress on the back and joints.
  2. Free time.Play beach volleyball, play badminton, hit the ball in the stadium. All this will strengthen health and increase endurance in the body.
  3. swimming
  4. Family cycling.These are some of the best family moments and health promotion.
  5. Walking up the stairs or uphill.Joint training of muscles and respiratory system.
  6. Participation in boxing lessons.In addition to the general tone, such an event will give self-confidence.

City dwellers, whose bodies are weakened by constant stress and sedentary work, bad ecology and unhealthy diet, absolutely have to take care of their health. Just 30 minutes of simple exercises a day can dramatically change your life, you just have to choose them correctly and do them regularly.