Watermelon diet for weight loss for 7 days

Watermelon diet for weight loss

Watermelon diet for weight loss is only for healthy people. If you have stones in the kidneys or gall bladder, gastrointestinal diseases, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and problems with blood pressure, you should not lose weight with the help of juicy and tasty berries. Another disadvantage of this method is seasonality. It can only be used during the harvest season, when the watermelons are ripe in the melon field. But a big plus is the ability to get rid of 10 kg in 2 weeks.

Features of the watermelon diet

Choosing melon for weight loss, simultaneously get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. True, weight loss with the express option - within 3-5 days - occurs due to the removal of excess fluids. A longer option, designed for 10-14 days, first relieves swelling and only then stimulates the removal of waste, toxins and the separation of the fatty layer into glycerin and water.


It is very important to choose a watermelon of high quality, with a low nitrate content (up to 54 mg/1 kg) and at the moment of maximum ripeness.

The mono-diet is designed for short-term use and is intended to remove water. In 5 days it takes about 3 kg. The long-term version also includes other foods - fruits (except grapes and bananas), vegetables, chicken breast and lean fish. Cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking in the oven on foil or parchment, steaming.

The benefits and harms of the watermelon diet

the benefits and harms of the watermelon diet

Juicy red berry boasts a rich composition of vitamins and minerals. It is dominated by:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

Watermelon pulp also contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible carbohydrates and fruit acids. This complex has a beneficial effect on the body.

Benefits of Watermelon:

  • Removes toxins, accumulated waste, eliminates swelling.
  • Removes small stones from the kidneys.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, increases vascular tone.
  • Accelerates metabolism, helps eliminate constipation.
weight loss with watermelon

Watermelon diet is useful in the initial stage of obesity, with edema and difficulty in physiological recovery. With its help, you can replenish the body's vitamin and mineral reserves.


A mono-diet with watermelons is one of the most problematic. Therefore, before you go to it, you should be sure that your health will not let you down.

In this way, the kidneys are subjected to increased stress. Weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluids, the layer of fat remains in place. His transformation begins with a light version, designed for 2 weeks.


  • unbalanced diet;
  • can increase blood sugar levels;
  • removes salts - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, which can provoke an abnormal heart rhythm and increased blood pressure.

To reduce damage to the body, it is advisable to choose lighter options - a watermelon-kefir or protein-watermelon diet. This redistributes the load, partially removing it from the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon diet options

Watermelon diet options

The heaviest diet is just berries and water. How many days you should abstain depends on the condition. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should stop for 1 day. No unpleasant sensations - you can afford 3.

Other options for weight loss with watermelon:

  1. For 9 days. Watermelon-watermelon diet supplemented with grains and protein products.
  2. Heavy cucumber-watermelon, 2 weeks. Daily menu: 1 kg of cucumbers and berries with juice, 150 g of rye bread and 1 glass of kefir before bed.
  3. With the addition of bread - rye or bran. 5-10 days.
  4. Fruit and protein. Watermelon is included in a low-calorie diet - 2-3 pieces after each meal. Designed for 2 weeks.
  5. With buckwheat. They eat 1 kg of cereal pulp and steamed melon - 50 g per 1 kg of weight. The daily menu is completed with vegetable salads dressed in olive oil.
  6. With rice - 3-5 days. Eat 100 g of brown rice and 1 kg of watermelon per day.
  7. With cottage cheese, for a week. The products are alternated, the serving size is chosen based on how you feel, but not more than 200 g.


A watermelon diet during pregnancy helps to get rid of edema. You can eat up to 1 kg of berries per day, supplementing the menu with cottage cheese, rice, buckwheat and black bread. The maximum duration of such a diet is 3 days.

No matter how you decide to lose weight, you need to take before and after photos, otherwise no one will believe that you lost the excess weight in such a short period of time. If you listen to the reviews, your waist size is shrinking "before your eyes". You can wear your favorite things that you regretfully put in your closet again.

Which watermelon to choose

how to choose the right watermelon

You should switch to a diet only during the mass ripening season of melons. Ripe watermelons have a completely dry stem, a dull sound when tapped, a yellow spot on one side, and a crunching sound when squeezed. The skin should not have cracks, soft areas or pimples that indicate fungal infection. It is better to buy fruits of medium size.

If, when cut, the seeds are light in color, regardless of the red flesh, you should discard the consumption. The risk of stimulating ripening is very high.

Diet menu with watermelon for every day

There are several options to consider based on your health and willingness. It is quite difficult to stick to a restricted diet. If you are planning a fasting day, the required amount of pulp is calculated as 1: 15, in kg. This part is divided into 5-6 doses.


Before switching to a diet, you should reduce the caloric content of the daily menu for 2-5 days, give up fried and spicy foods that increase gastrointestinal secretion. It is necessary to reduce the stress on the body as much as possible.

Menu for 3 days

Diet menu with watermelon for 3 days

The first day - only melons, as when switching to a mono diet. Second, add 400 ml of still mineral water. Still others add a little curd.

But you can choose softer options for 3 days:

  1. 5 meals with 3 pieces of watermelon each. Extras: 150 g of cottage cheese for breakfast, rice porridge with water for lunch. Afternoon snack is similar to breakfast, dinner is similar to lunch.
  2. Watermelon - as in the first option. For breakfast on the first 2 days there are different porridges - buckwheat and oat, and on the third day - a salad with prunes, dates and crackers.
  3. The base is watermelon. Lunch - the first day 100 g of chicken boiled with herbs, the second - 2 sandwiches with rye bread with cottage cheese and herbs, the third - apples. Dinner - cottage cheese with pear, 1 egg, kefir.

The result of the diet is minus 3-5 kg. At the same time, the stomach does not leave protein foods and the transition to a normal diet is easier.

Menu for 5 days

porridge on a watermelon diet

Porridge on water, heat treatment - boiling or steaming with boiling water. Meals - 5, each supplemented with 300 g of watermelon. Portions - 200-300 g.

First day:

  • for breakfast - oatmeal;
  • snack - watermelon;
  • lunch - steamed fish or fillet, cucumber salad with herbs;
  • afternoon snack - as a snack;
  • dinner - low-fat cottage cheese with an apple.

The second day starts in the morning with a fruit salad with prunes, dates, apples, watermelon; for lunch - watermelon; lunch - cottage cheese with herbs and 2 slices of rye bread; afternoon snack - soft boiled egg; dinner is similar to lunch.

On the third day, millet porridge, apples, kefir are distributed independently, and the fourth is similar to the first. On the last day - portions increase to 300 g, cottage cheese and millet porridge should be added.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast on a watermelon diet

When to eat which dishes, you have to decide for yourself. If the load increases, the daily caloric content of meals increases. During rest it decreases. For each meal - 300 g of watermelon, dinner and breakfast - only watermelon.

Diet examples:

  1. Breakfast: green tea without sugar, porridge with water, eggs; cottage cheese with fruit salad; vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch: side dishes - salad with fresh vegetables, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil, and for the main course - chicken fillet, fish, turkey meatballs with white meat; soup with vegetables and white meat. Everything is steamed.
  3. Dinners: vegetable salad; cottage cheese; the toast


Salt and sugar are prohibited. But black coffee lovers can treat themselves to the usual drink in the morning or 2-3 hours before going to bed. Just don't overdo it.

Menu for 10 and 14 days

pumpkin porridge on a watermelon diet

Extending the weight loss diet over time, you should increase the energy value of the daily menu. When planning what you can eat during the day, you should adhere to the principle of the seven-day diet.

Dishes that are recommended to complete the diet:

  • pumpkin porridge;
  • yogurt;
  • ripe apples and pears;
  • Cauliflower Casserole or Cabbage Casserole;
  • vegetable saute with eggplant;
  • porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet;
  • cottage cheese;
  • salad from grated carrots, cucumbers, boiled beets, tomatoes, herbs;
  • fruits - except bananas and grapes;
  • bread - rye and bran;
  • cheese - Adyghe, unsalted:
  • vegetable stew;
  • meat - chicken, turkey;
  • fish;
  • juice - green tea, mineral and pure water, compote with dried fruits or berries.


Lunch and afternoon snack - only 300 g of watermelon. It can be included in other meals as a dessert or salad ingredient.

How to get off the watermelon diet correctly

way out of the watermelon diet

If you follow the basic principles of returning to a normal diet, weight loss will continue, albeit at a slow pace, but steadily. You can replace the melon pulp, which the body is already used to, with fruit juices, purees and smoothies. The first two days it is recommended to include at least some watermelon in the menu. Then they increase the portions of dishes that they did not refuse in the diet - porridge or meat. Then they move on to dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese with a fat content of 3. 2%.

From the 3rd day, it is already allowed to reduce the number of meals - first to 4, then, if necessary, to 3. But even in this case, you should not give up food - they help suppress the feelingof hunger without increasing. portions.

To avoid future weight gain, you should completely avoid baked goods, baked goods made from white flour, fried and grilled foods, and baked goods with crusts.

Watermelon diet is a quick way to get rid of excess weight and relieve stress in the body. But, sticking to it, you have to remember the pros and cons. You don't have to jump right into a 3-7 day program. You should start with a day to test your strength and assess your condition. This way you can find out which number of days will be optimal.